This summer, I'm going to be leading some guided section  hikes along the Walking City Trail. I'm thrilled to share the guided hike dates and the event signup page for the first  of these hikes!

Sun 7/10 - Walking City Trail Section 1 Hike
Sat 7/23 - Walking City Trail Section 2 Hike
Sat 8/13 - Walking City Trail Section 3 Hike
Sat 8/27 - Walking City Trail Section 4 Hike

In the spirit of hiking, these guided hikes will be happening rain or shine! (Unless, you know, we're dealing with hurricanes or deadly heat waves.) We'll meet on a Saturday morning at the trailhead of the section we're going to hike,  we'll commence the hike with plenty of stops for food, bathrooms, and checking out local oddities, and we'll finish  hiking in the early afternoon. 

Spots on each guided hike are offered through Eventbrite via a pay-what-you-want donation model.  All of the proceeds will support the operating costs behind the trail website, as well as upcoming trail improvement projects such as a place-by-place guide to the green spaces visited along the Walking City Trail, a new section on bike access points, and more.  

Here's the signup page for the Section 1 hike on Saturday July 10th!

Section 1 of the Walking City Trail is the longest and most rustic section of the Walking City Trail, so if lesser-known woodlands and waterways near Boston's southern border call out to you, do not miss this guided section hike! We'll rendezvous at the Capen Street MBTA trolley station before clomping into the nearby Neponset River Reservation forest on a hidden path to reach the Harvest River Bridge, where the Walking City Trail begins. The hike will be 7.6 miles long and our destination will be Adams Park in Roslindale Village, where plenty of restaurants await.

Nab your spot now, and watch your email for updates before the hike. I'll see you out there.

